
Welcome to my Art blog.
I Art for fun, relaxation, living and learning.
I teach painting, printing and collage workshops, all around Europe, and get inspired in so many ways.
I hope to inspire you on your own art journey-
Please enjoy, and create!
You will also find me on fb - Mixed media paintings.

Trine Pettigrew

søndag den 13. marts 2011

Alternative studio.

As I havn´t done any journaling this weekend, due to spring cleaning, I post a photo of my make shift space, where I work, waiting for my studio to thaw!! Started a new painting though ;-) Can´t wait for the temp. to rise!

1 kommentar:

  1. Trine It may be an alternative work space but WOW what a wonderful light space. And the painting is wonderful .And as you now know you are on the list.
