
Welcome to my Art blog.
I Art for fun, relaxation, living and learning.
I teach painting, printing and collage workshops, all around Europe, and get inspired in so many ways.
I hope to inspire you on your own art journey-
Please enjoy, and create!
You will also find me on fb - Mixed media paintings.

Trine Pettigrew

onsdag den 17. august 2011

First Apples - end of summer.

Todays sketch - first apples picked! That is a sure sign, that summer is on its way out and autumn is knockingt on the garden gate.....
Need to borrow neighbours juice maker......
The rest of the garden shows the same signs. Alle the herbs are flowering, and colours are now dark pinks and purples.
The one good thing about being on sick-leave, is that I can actually enjoy what is left in of the garden, in day light!

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